Comprehensive Plan Committee
The Full Story
A Comprehensive Plan is a vision for the Town’s future. It can be considered the backbone of a community’s planning efforts for present and future generations, a living document that changes and grows with the community. It outlines challenges facing a community, identifies solutions and is a tool providing guidance to appointed and elected officials on planning-related decisions.
The Town of Montville created and adopted a Comprehensive Plan in 1991 although this was not approved by the State of Maine. The plan was never revisited until now. Montville’s Comprehensive Plan Committee is underway as of October 2024 and will be referring to this historical document as they begin the process to update its content to reflect current and future challenges. While the plan seeks to protect Montville’s rural character, its intention is to communicate the Town’s shared vision and priorities for future thoughtful growth management.
The Committee will be reaching out to residents in a variety of ways to involve them in this exciting planning process. Your voices matter! The most successful Comprehensive Plans engage the opinions of the broader community so diverse views are reflected in its content.
Please join us! This Town website page will keep you involved and updated on our meetings (residents are welcome to attend), upcoming events, requested surveys, and will also include an opportunity to send us your comments and opinions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Comprehensive Plan Committee Meetings: 1st Thursdays each month 6-7:30pm @ the Town Office and Zoom. Click here to access the Zoom link
For more information, please explore Montville’s Comprehensive Planning Folder
Montville’s 1991 Comprehensive Plan (hyperlink)
Checklist of material to be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan (hyperlink)
We expect the Comprehensive Plan Update will take October 2024 to Spring 2026. The process will involve, at a minimum:
Establish a Comprehensive Plan Committee which will meet on a monthly basis (established as of October 2024)
Review the current Comprehensive Plan (Complete as of November 2024)
Hold Comprehensive Plan Kickoff to provide information, answer questions, and gather initial input (January 11, 2025)
Gather input from Montville residents using a community-wide survey (March through May 2025)
Presentation to community on results of the community survey (May 2025)
Focus groups, public meetings and visioning sessions to gather additional input (May through December 2025)
Updating chapters based on current conditions, community input, town priorities, and goals (November 2024 – December 2025)
Formal public comment session on draft (December 2025)
Submitting the updated document to the State for approval (late Winter- Spring 2026)
Voting to adopt the updated Comprehensive Plan at a Town Meeting (Spring 2026)
Volunteer as a “Friend of the Comprehensive Plan” to help with specific tasks (i.e. flyering, spreading the word, event set up, etc.)
Attend Comprehensive Plan Committee Meetings
Weigh in as a topic specialist on specific chapters
Review and provide comments on materials
Attend our community engagement meetings & events
Sign up for the town’s email list for progress updates (Is there a link we could include here? I couldn’t find it on the town’s website)
Let’s Work Together
Share your Thoughts on Individual Topics to help the Committee craft the Comprehensive Plan,
Your Input Matters!