Montville Planning Board
Peter Kassen, Chair, 323-2577
Bob Delio, Vice-Chair
The Board meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6 pm at the Town Office.
The next meeting will be held on October 9th at 4 pm, with a two-part meeting.
Part I: 4 PM
Working session to look at the latest draft of updates to the Site Plan Review Ordinance.
[Note: The Board hopes to complete its work and have an updated ordinance ready for approval by the Town prior to the expiration of the current moratorium in December.]
Part II: 6 PM
Application under Site Plan Review from Cedar Grove Saunas
Application under Site Plan Review from Revision Energy
Application under Site Plan Review
Discussion on Site Plan Review Amendments
Last Meetings Minutes:
April 14, 2021
Planning Board Minutes
Meeting commenced at 7:00 P.M.
Public Hearing on proposed amendments to Montville's Site Plan Review Ordinance (SPRO) commenced at 7:06. No members of public present for hearing, so hearing adjourned immediately.
Planning Board Members present:
Peter Kassen, Chris Schmidt, Karin Look, John Twomey, Andrew Marshall, Robert Delio and Bernice Nadler. Select Boar member: Cathy Roberts.
continued review of proposed amendments to Montville's SPRO. A motion was made to approve the document as amended and seconded. Approved unanimously. These amendments will be presented for a vote at our Town Meeting on June 5 at Mt. View High School.
Next meeting, if necessary, will be May 12. {Update: meeting cancelled due to lack of agenda.}
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by,
Bernice Nadler
2021 March 24
Planning Board Minutes
Meeting commenced at 7:02 P.M.
Members present: Peter Kassen, Greg McDaniel, Bob Delio, Chris Schmidt, Charles Fletcher, John Twomey, Andrew Marshall and Bernice Nadler. Select Person: Cathy Roberts.
Motion to approve February minutes seconded and passed unanimously.
Members of the "Good Neighbor Committee", Andrew Marshall, Charles Fletcher and Cathy Roberts, updated us on their continuing work on the Site Plan Review Ordinance (SPRO). Motion made to present the amendments to the SPRO at a public hearing on April 14 at 7:00 P.M.
Next Planning Board meeting, April 14, 2021
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by,
Bernice Nadler
February 17, 2021
Planning Board Minutes
Present via Zoom: Planning Board Members: Greg McDaniel, Charles Fletcher, Chris Schmidt, Karin Look, John Twomey, Andrew Marshall, and Bernice Nadler.
Select Person - Cathy Roberts
Member of the public - Hannah Hatfield
Motion to approve January minutes, seconded and approved unanimously.
Andrew, Cathy and Charles presented their work as members of "The Good Neighbor Committee" and their suggested modifications to the Site Plan Review Ordinance (SRO). Will need to polish the language for a Public Hearing on amendments to Site Plan Review Ordinance followed by the Planning Board meeting on March 24. After this, will forward to Select Board before Town Meeting on date yet to be determined.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Bernice Nadler
The Ebenezer Knowlton House is a historic house on Choate Road in Montville, Maine. Built c. 1827, the property, which includes two period barns, is a well-preserved example of vernacular late Federal period architecture